Benefits of C-PACE to Finance the Conversion of Denver’s Downtown Office Assets

Unless you are Rip Van Winkle and just woke up from a 20-year nap, you have probably caught wind that a significant portion of the office assets in downtown Denver are struggling with vacancy Several staples in our skyline are going into special servicing as we speak.

This isn’t just a Denver problem. Office vacancy rates as of a couple of weeks ago hovered around 47% of pre-pandemic levels in the top 10 major metro areas. Whether or not we believe that remote work is here to stay, the office sector will certainly never be the same, and it is very unlikely that occupancy levels in Denver will ever rebound completely. So, the big question is, what will happen to all these buildings?

Learn more in Joel’s recent article featured in the latest Colorado Real Estate Journal issue.

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Benefits of C-PACE to Finance the Conversion of Denver’s Downtown Office Assets

Unless you are Rip Van Winkle and just woke up from a 20-year nap, you have probably caught wind that…

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